
Lower Devonian Rabbit Hill Limestone

Eureka County, Nevada

Top--Brachiopods from the lower Devonian Rabbit Hill Limestone, Eureka County, Nevada, a number of miles west of the western border of White Pine County, Nevada. Specimens--Top row, all Levenea subcarinata subsp. antelopensis n. subsp; bottom row, left to right--first two specimens are Rhipidomella rossi; brach at far right is Levenea subcarinata subsp. antelopensis n. subsp.

Bottom--Brachiopods from the lower Devonian Rabbit Hill Limestone, Eureka County, Nevada, a number of miles from the western border of White Pine County, Nevada. All specimens identified as Leptocoelia occidentalis. Photographs courtesy Charles W. Merriam; I edited and processed the images through photoshop.

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