The Lower to Middle Pennsylvanian Ely Limestone

White Pine County, Nevada

A Google Maps street car perspective that I edited and processed through photoshop. Strata in exposures to left of road belong to the lower to middle Pennsylvanian Ely Limestone, White Pine County, Nevada. The Ely Limestone consists of approximately 2,450 to 2,600 feet of light olive-gray-to brownish-gray thin to thick-bedded chert-rich limestone, with occasional sandstone and siltstone horizons in its upper portions. It bears a prolific invertebrate fossil fauna--producing: algae (encrusting and phylloid varieties, Tubiphytes, Komia, Osagia, stromatolites); foraminiferera (fusulinids, endothyrids); sponges (AKA, the Porifiera: Chaetetes and spicules); brachiopods (all three primary shell types--punctate, impunctate, pseudo-punctate--plus, spines); corals (extinct tabulate and rugose forms--some coral heads up to five feet across); bryozoans (twig-like, encrusting, and fenstrate); mollusks (gastropods, pelecypods, ammonoids, and several miscellaneous kinds); arthropods (trilobites and ostroacods); echinoderms (crinoids and echinoid spines); and conodonts (diminutive tooth-like denticles, unrelated to modern jaws, that served to enable food gathering in an extinct lamprey eel-like organism).

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